Virtual Training

It is important now more than ever to stay active and keep a social connection through virtual sessions.

All Fitkix Coaching sessions are done through Zoom. Once your session(s)  have been scheduled and paid you will be emailed a Zoom link (free to download). Once on Zoom, your health and fitness journey begins! 

Benefits of Virtual Training:

  • You may login anywhere from any state, country using your Zoom link Works with any Android, iPhone, iPad, laptop, or desktop. 
  • No specialized gym equipment is needed! You can use everyday household items to get your workout in!
  • Safe in the privacy of your own home where you feel comfortable and you may workout in any free space
  • Affordability
  • Motivation
  • Staying active and moving your body
  • Time saving/No travel time
  • Led by a certified fitness professional with more than 20 years of experience, and with a good eye for verbal correction on your form
  • Keeping a social connection which helps eliminate the feeling of isolation, anxiety and stress

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